With Phyllis Tuckwell’s help, Glyn was able to spend one last Christmas at home, with his family.

Every day, Phyllis Tuckwell supports over 250 patients, relatives and carers, and that support doesn’t stop at Christmas. Even on Christmas Day, its nursing team will be caring for patients on its In-Patient Unit, and visiting those who have chosen to spend their last days at home, providing expert professional care and compassionate emotional support to them and their families.

Last year, Claire’s family spent their last Christmas with Claire’s dad, Glyn.

Glyn was born on 27th December, so Christmas had always been a big double celebration for him. When he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, his family weren’t sure if they would get to spend another Christmas with him. As winter approached he became more ill, but he was comfortable and happy at home, so he stayed there, cared for there by Phyllis Tuckwell’s Hospice Care at Home nurses.

“The nurses were very good; they guided us through it,” said Claire. “Dad was getting more poorly, but he was adamant that we would have one last family Christmas. I cooked, and he was well enough to sit and eat with us. It meant so much to have that special day together one last time. Even though it was very sad, it was also one of the most special Christmases we have spent together, and I will treasure it forever.”

This year, Phyllis Tuckwell’s doctors and nurses will be caring for other families who are spending their last precious Christmas together, but as the NHS/Government usually only covers about 20% of its costs, it has to raise over £25,000 a day to do this.

  • £15 could pay for Christmas dinner for a patient or visitor on its In-Patient Unit.
  • £20 could pay for an hour’s counselling for a relative who is facing this Christmas without their loved one.
  • £39 could pay for a session with one of its occupational therapists, supporting patients with advice and equipment.
  • £75 could pay for one of its Living Well sessions, providing tailored care, advice and support.
  • £158 could pay for one of its Hospice Care at Home nurses to visit patients on Christmas Day, enabling them to remain at home over the festive period, like Glyn did.
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Phyllis Tuckwell


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