Sign up now for Phyllis Tuckwell’s Dash of Colour and experience a colour explosion! This fantastic 5k fun run will take place on Saturday 31st August at Frimley Lodge Park, and will see participants showered in colourful powder paint, with an emphasis on the ruby red tones of Phyllis Tuckwell’s anniversary year.


Dash is fast becoming a favourite with our supporters, as it’s such a fun event!” said Gemma Jones, Events Fundraising Manager at Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Care. “It’s not a timed race, so you can run, jog or walk the route at your own pace. One thing we can guarantee though is that you’ll finish the 5k covered in all the colours of the rainbow!”


All of the money raised by Dash will go directly towards helping fund the supportive and end of life care which Phyllis Tuckwell offers to patients and families who are living with an advanced or terminal illness, such as cancer, in West Surrey and North East Hampshire. Phyllis Tuckwell supports over 250 patients, relatives and carers every day, but as the NHS/Government only covers 20% of its costs, it has to raise over £20,000 a day to be able to do this.


Registration for Dash is £18 and includes a free t-shirt. To sign up now visit

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Phyllis Tuckwell


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