Could you help fill Phyllis Tuckwell’s spiritual care baskets? These baskets are kept on its In-Patient Unit, where it cares for patients who are in their last days of life. They contain small, meaningful items which patients’ families can take free of charge, and use to help them at this difficult time.

Some of the items in the basket are handmade, while others are bought from shops. The handmade items may be knitted, crocheted, sewn or felted, and could be in the shape of hearts, flowers or other designs. The donated items are usually wooden or glass pebbles or hearts, or small wooden holding crosses for those with a Christian faith.

“We provide hospice care for local patients and families who are living with an advanced or terminal illness,” said Jill Thornton, from Phyllis Tuckwell’s Pastoral Care team. “Our In-Patient Unit offers supportive and end of life for patients who need help managing their symptoms, or are in their last days of life. It can be a very difficult time for them and their families as they spend their last precious moments together, and having small items such as these to keep hold of when their families cannot be at their bedside can be really meaningful.”

The items may be individual, or in pairs or sets. Some families like to take a pair or set and leave one item with their loved one on the In-Patient Unit, whilst taking the other part of the pair or set home with them, to keep for themselves or to give to family members who are living elsewhere, so that they feel connected to their loved one even when they are apart. Sometimes people may like to write a message on one of the wooden pebbles after their loved one has died, and leave it with them, as a way of saying goodbye.

If you love to knit, crochet, sew or felt, could you make some items for these baskets? Or if you would be happy to, could you buy some of the wooden items and donate them to Phyllis Tuckwell? Each item should be around 5cm long/wide, and matching pairs or sets would be very much appreciated. The holding crosses should be large enough to be held in the palm of a hand.

Please leave any items at Phyllis Tuckwell’s office at Headway House, Crosby Way, Farnham, FAO Jill Thornton.

Thank you very much!

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