Phyllis Tuckwell’s new Living Well programmes are proving to be very popular with patients, who are pleased to be able to return to face-to-face groups now that government Covid restrictions have lifted.
The programmes form part of Phyllis Tuckwell’s overall Living Well service, which helps patients who are living with an advanced or terminal illness, to manage their symptoms and cope with everyday life. The Living Well team cares for patients at home as well as at the Hospice in Farnham and Beacon Centre in Guildford, providing medical, nursing, therapeutic and pastoral care, and supporting patients’ families, too.
The two eight-week programmes, which are held at the Hospice and Beacon Centre, cover topics such as anxiety, sleep, nutrition and mobility, as well as featuring a range of creative therapies including pottery, culinary therapy, and therapies through nature, for patients to try. They are run by specially trained professionals including Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Complementary Therapists and the Pastoral Care team. Each session is two hours long, with an hour-long talk and discussion on that week’s topic, and 30 minutes before and after, when patients can see Doctors, Nurses, Therapists and the Pastoral Care team, socialise with others and enjoy some refreshments.
Covering a range of subjects, the sessions link together to form a comprehensive basis to support patients as they live every day with their illness. They also give patients the opportunity to meet others, make new friends, share tips and advice, and receive individual care from Phyllis Tuckwell’s staff.
“It was a joy to go every week,” said one patient, with others commenting “it was good meeting others and taking part in activities”, “the nurses are all amazing” and “all of the talks were interesting, informative and helpful.”
“We’re thrilled to be able to welcome our patients and their families back to the Hospice and Beacon Centre, and so pleased that the new Living Well programmes are proving so successful,” said Rachel Copes, Living Well Sister at Phyllis Tuckwell.
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Phyllis Tuckwell
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