Shooting Star Children’s Hospices welcomed some wonderful international visitors at the beginning of the month – all the way from Singapore! The healthcare professionals had travelled to the UK to attend a Care Conference held at Whiteley Village on 2 May to listen to key influential speakers talking about evidence based practice and research in palliative care for children.
Eliada Yap, Rina Nga, Roselind Tan Cheng and Tan Shu Ching who all work in the country’s first and currently only children’s hospice Assisi Hospice, were keen to learn more about the children’s hospice sector in the UK.
During their trip they visited Christopher’s, the Guildford hospice to see what we do and how we work – building on what they’d learnt from the conference. The team were met by Cath Grob, Clinical Informatics Nurse and Jo Cohen, Head of Care – Business Management, who both took the time to give the visitors a real insight into Shooting Star Children’s Hospices and the facilities and services provided.
Cath Grob said, “It was a great pleasure to welcome the team and take the time to give them a picture of how we work to ensure we can provide the best care for the families who so desperately need it. It was wonderful to see how interested they were in us and our organisation. When I asked how they found out about us they said they googled ‘Children’s hospices+south east+excellence’ – and they genuinely seemed blown away by the nature of Christopher’s.”
The team from Assisi Hospice commented: “It’s a privilege to be here, when the family leave their child here they will feel at peace and they will feel at like a family is caring for their child, not a health care worker.”
“I think that there has been so much done for children, I mean this is really respectful human dignity, we are very impressed, there is so much we can learn from Shooting Star Children’s Hospices.”
“It’s an incredible place and Shooting Star Children’s Hospices have done a good job, it’s fabulous – if I was a parent I would be very comforted to know that this is a place where my child can be. It would give me a very comforted feeling. Thank you for sharing with us your experience, and this will be the beginning of our journey back in Singapore where we are going to change the mindset of the people who think what a children’s hospice is.”
General News
Shooting Star Children's Hospices
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