Whether you like snuggling into cosy slippers, glamming up your toenails with glittery nail varnish, or feeling the fresh air in a pair of flip-flops, it’s important to look after your feet. Caring for our feet can ease symptoms which affect the whole body, and can help keep you feeling healthy and energised. 8th-14th March is National Feet Week, and local Hospice Care charity Phyllis Tuckwell knows just how to care for this important part of the body.

You may not know it, but each of your feet has 42 muscles, 26 bones, 33 joints, 250,000 sweat glands and at least 50 ligaments and tendons—plus almost 15,000 nerve endings! Phyllis Tuckwell’s Complementary Therapists are specially trained in foot care, and offer its patients treatments such as massage, reflexology and aromatherapy. Foot massage boosts circulation, keeping muscles and tissues healthy, relieves stress and anxiety, induces relaxation and improves sleep. Whilst giving a foot massage, Complementary Therapists can also check for other problems, such as sores, corns and ingrown toenails. As the skin loses its suppleness, dryness can lead to skin becoming itchy or cracked, and this can allow bacteria to enter the body. Because of their illnesses, many of Phyllis Tuckwell’s patients may not be able to reach their own feet, and so may be unaware of any potential problems. If the Complementary Therapists see any concerning signs which could lead to more serious issues, they can let Phyllis Tuckwell’s nursing team know, or can advise patients to follow it up with their GP.

Reflexology is another treatment which Phyllis Tuckwell’s Complementary Therapists can offer to their patients. It is a pressure point treatment on the feet and hands, which aims to restore balance and re-energise patients, as well as helping with circulation, insomnia, pain, oedema, anxiety and stress. Pressing on certain points on the feet can help alleviate symptoms such as depression, aid sleep, and encourage healthy bowels – and rubbing the big toe can help get rid of headaches!

Incorporating aromatherapy and essential oils into a foot massage or reflexology treatment can help alleviate sore, itchy and dry skin. As well as helping on a physical level, both the therapy and the oils can also help patients emotionally, to soothe anxieties and calm stress.

“At Phyllis Tuckwell we believe in a holistic approach to care, treating the whole person, on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level,” says Angie Shepherd, Lead Complementary Therapist at Phyllis Tuckwell. “Foot care is an important part of this, and our foot treatments are very popular with our patients.”

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