Phyllis Tuckwell are looking for volunteer drivers and escorts to help its patients get to medical appointments, therapy sessions and counselling meetings at its Hospice in Farnham and Beacon Centre in Guildford.
Phyllis Tuckwell offers a wide range of supportive and end of life care for patients and families who are living with an advanced or terminal illness, such as cancer. From medical and nursing care, to soothing complementary therapy treatments, counselling sessions and art classes, there is something for everyone at all stages of their illness.
However, many patients are unable to drive due to their illness, and so are reliant on the help of others to get to these sessions. Phyllis Tuckwell’s Care at Home team is able to provide support and care for patients in their own homes, but some of the support the charity offers is group-based, such as their physiotherapy exercise classes, Brush with Art group and Day Hospice sessions. As well as benefitting from the sessions themselves, patients find support through meeting others in a similar situation and often form lasting friendships.
Would you be able to offer some of your time to collect patients from their homes and bring them to a session at the Hospice or Beacon Centre, or to sit with them in the car on the journey? Even if you were only able to commit to an hour or two a week, it would make a big difference to those who might not otherwise be able to get to these important sessions. You’ll join a supportive and committed volunteer team who welcome volunteers of all ages from all walks of life. Some volunteers want to give something back to the community, for some volunteering is a first step back into work after having had some time out, and for others it is a great way to fill a few spare hours. Whatever your reason, you’ll meet new faces and make new friends, and Phyllis Tuckwell will provide ongoing training and support to make sure you feel happy in your new role.
To find out more about becoming a volunteer driver for Phyllis Tuckwell, call Simon Pettegree or Anne Simkin on 01252 729400 or email
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Phyllis Tuckwell
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