Latest News

We like to keep you up to date with the latest news form the hospices, events and winners stories. If you have a story or event you would like to share with us please do get in touch, we love to hear from our members.

Month: April 2022

 Newly refurbished sensory garden at Guildford Hospice

A beautiful sunny May afternoon provided the perfect backdrop for the grand opening of Shooting Star's Children's Hospices Sensory Courtyard, situated in the centre of the Guildford hospice,

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Nigel’s story supported by Phyllis Tuckwell

Nigel is supported by Phyllis Tuckwell’s Living Well services. Under the care of Living Well sister, Rachel, Nigel was invited to take part in a Living Well with Illness programme, which is an

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A gratitude jar cam help children recognise the positive aspects in their life

One of the activities that Phyllis Tuckwell's Little Rays children's group hold, is to create a gratitude jar, this helps the children recognise the positive aspects in their life. Very

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