Phyllis Tuckwell are currently reviewing and upgrading their estate to better serve our community and plan for support for our growing and ageing population.
The first step in that is to refurbish the Beacon Centre in Guildford. All improvements are due to be complete by the end of April, but they have already improved the main patient-facing area. The first group in the new space restarted last week.
In addition the main area, Phyllis Tuckwell have added 3 new consultation rooms, improved existing rooms, and made enhancements the day room. Further works has also been completed on the reception area and staff facilities.
The Beacon Centre is located on the site of the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guildford.
At the Beacon Centre, patients can access our Living Well services and attend outpatient appointments. Patients, families and carers have the opportunity to meet with Counsellors, Chaplains, Social Workers and Benefits Advisors.
The Hospice Care at Home team is also based at the Beacon Centre, and its nursing team visits patients who wish to die in the comfort and familiarity of their own home.
General News
Phyllis Tuckwell
Content writer