Monday 21 – Sunday 27 June marks this year’s Children’s Hospice Week.
Despite having to adapt their services and find new and different ways to remain connected to families over the past 16 months, Shooting Star Children’s Hospice’s continued to serve as a lifeline to those in most need 365 days a year. From offering specialist end-of-life care at the hospice, to the Family Support Line, run by a dedicated team of Family Support Workers.
This has only been possible thanks to the incredible generosity of supporters – so throughout Children’s Hospice Week, we will show you what your support has meant for the children and families Shooting Star Children’s Hospices care for, and with restrictions lifting and more normality resuming, what they are planning for the future.
Children’s Hospice Week is the only week in the UK dedicated to raising awareness of children with life-limiting conditions whilst also raising vital funds for services. Whether lives are measures in days, weeks, months or years, Shooting Star Children’s Hospices is here to make every moment count.
Follow, share and support us this #ChildrensHospiceWeek
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