Shooting Star Children’s Hospices are asking if you can spare 20 this 2020? Often when a child has a life-limiting condition no one knows how much time they have. They want to continue to be there for families facing the unimaginable – making every moment count and providing quality care so families can spend more time together.

But they can only do that with your help.

However much time you have to spare this year, be it 20 days, hours, or just seconds there are many ways you can help them to support families across Surrey and London in 2020.

20 Seconds

Keep in touch. We’d love to let you know more about the work we do. There are often occasions where just a vote, tweet or share can make a huge difference. Follow Shooting Star Children’s Hospice on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and sign up to Shooting Star Children’s Hospice newsletter to be kept up to date.

Sign up to Shooting Star Children’s Hospices Enewsletter

20 Minutes

Clean out the clutter post-Christmas and donate what you don’t need to one of Shooting Star Children’s Hospices charity shops (and have a browse for something you do). Or, if you’re more of an online shopper, why not support Shooting Star Children’s Hospices through Amazon Smile?


20 Hours

Promised yourself you’re going to get fit and healthy this year? Take on a sporting challenge as part of #TeamShootingStar. Shooting Star Children’s Hospices have runs, walks, cycles or swims you can take part in (and most are much less than 20 hours!), or you can create your own.


20 Days

We’re always in need of more volunteers at Shooting Star Children’s Hospices, shops, support office and Shooting Star Children’s Hospices events. If you have some time to spare on a regular basis and you’d like to make a real difference, take a look and find a role that’s perfect for you.


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Shooting Star Children's Hospices


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