During the pandemic, Phyllis Tuckwell’s nursing staff have kept in touch with patients and families through phone and video calls.
12th May is International Nurses Day, and Phyllis Tuckwell would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all of its wonderful nursing staff.
International Nurses Day is organised every year by the International Council of Nurses, and is celebrated on 12th May as it is the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. This year it follows the overarching theme of previous years, Nurses: A Voice to Lead, with the sub-theme of A Vision for Future Healthcare.
The sensitivity, resilience and understanding of our nurses, and the way they have responded to the Covid pandemic, has been truly amazing to see,” said Sarah Church, Chief Executive at Phyllis Tuckwell. “I would like to thank them all for the dedication and compassion they show in their commitment to helping others.”
Phyllis Tuckwell’s nursing staff offer specialist, compassionate care for local patients and families who are facing the most of difficult times, living with an advanced or terminal illness such as cancer. Over the last year they have had to quickly adapt to new ways of working, wearing full PPE when caring for patients, which can be uncomfortable and claustrophobic, and often working increased hours to cover for colleagues who have been shielding or self-isolating. With Hospice visiting hours limited due to Covid restrictions, they took on an even more supportive role, spending more time talking to and sitting with patients who were at the end of life, and keeping families in touch through phone and video calls.
“From the moment we were referred, I felt so well supported by them,” said the relative of one of Phyllis Tuckwell’s patients. “It wasn’t just the physical support they gave, it was the mental and emotional support too. Because of them, I knew I wasn’t on my own.”
General News
Phyllis Tuckwell
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