After a 16 month delay, Shooting Star Children’s Hospices Sunrise Walk will finally be returning to Guildford next Sunday. Join in to watch the sunrise, and experience an amazing way to start the day by supporting your local children’s hospice.
Date: Sunday 17th October 2021, 6:30am – 1:30pm
Where: University of Law, University of Law, Guildford, England, GU3 1HA, United Kingdom
Distance: 10km or 20km
Registration fee: Child 10km and 20km routes – £5 | Adult 10km route – £20 | Adult 20km route – £25
Minimum sponsorship: £100
Closing date: Booking will close on Thursday 14th at midnight. We will not be able to offer on the day entry this year, so please book in advance if you’d like to take part.
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Shooting Star Children's Hospices
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